Welcome! As a company specializing in admissions consulting, CNC is passionate about helping students realize their dreams. We offer the most effective admissions consulting for students who wish to enter a prestigious university or graduate program in the United States. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Middle/High School Admissions Consulting
For students entering a middle or high school in the U.S. (Grade 6-12)
A prestigious private school education from the United States offers students significant benefits in language, education, and cultural immersion. Students who earn a middle/high School diploma from an elite institution in the United States demonstrate not just a mastery of the English language, but also fulfillment of an excellent education and adaptation to the unique American learning environment.
CNC serves as a bridge that connects students who wish to make the most of their futures with the most advantageous path towards studying at a university in the United States.
Next Step
Admissions consulting for admission or transfer into renowned middle/high schools (Grade 6-12)
CNC will identify and foster the strengths and unique characteristics of each of our students as they advance through middle/high school, and we will manage the crucial step of making sure that these strengths are best conveyed to prestigious universities in order to secure admissions for our students. Our comprehensive Next Step program offers guidance that helps students grow into the best and most academically successful students that they can be.
CNC’s Next Step program consults middle and high school students in regards to all the requisites for university admissions so that these students can start preparing far in advance. Because of this, the earlier we start working together, the better; however, we will do everything we can to help at any stage of the student’s academic journey.

University Admissions Consulting
University admissions guidance for high school seniors (Grade 12)
Earning a university diploma from a top university the United States is considered by many as an outstanding accomplishment that provides long-lasting advantages. At CNC, we assist students who wish to study at an elite American university by developing personalized strategies that guide students through the college application preparation process, application writing, the interview process, and admission into their dream universities.
Graduate School Admissions Consulting
Graduate school admissions guidance for university students (Undergraduate)
Earning a graduate diploma from a top university in the United States is widely acknowledged as an outstanding accomplishment that provides long-lasting advantages. At CNC, we assist students who wish to study at an elite American university by developing personalized strategies that guide them through the graduate school preparation process, application writing, the interview process, and admission into their dream universities.